Should every occupation be licensed?
HB 937 requires companies that move household goods to register and be licensed in Maryland. Failure to be licensed will result in a fine of up to $1,000. Moreover, it requires them to pay an annual fee for the license to move household goods.
In 1950, one in 20 jobs required a license. Today, one in three do. Ultimately, licensing for unspecialized positions hurts the poor, kills jobs and raises consumer prices.
Requiring a license to work can be counterproductive. Not every industry should be licensed!
Never-Ending Phone Fees
In Maryland, telephone companies are permitted to charge a monthly fee for your phone number to be unlisted.
HB 943 seeks to limit the telephone companies, and levy a one-time fee only.
This is a common-sense consumer rights bill, as telephone companies have been charging unnecessary fees for far too long.
It's time to put a stop to this unfair practice.
Of Note: Youth Contact Ban Fails
With your help, we were able to a kill a bill that effectively banned youth contact sports.
HB 1210 would have banned contact sports on public property. As a father and longtime coach, there is no doubt that invaluable life lessons are learned from youth sports.
Thankfully, the bill did not make it out of committee.
As legislators, it is not only our duty to submit legislation beneficial to Maryland, but to also kill bills that are harmful.